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Ground Forces Doctrine

RED FORCE Ground Forces operate in accordance with the following doctrine:

RED FORCE have a Russian based military force. The primary elements for conducting major military operations are Regiments.
Supporting the maneouver regiments are various other units such as artillery battalion, Rocket artillery battalion, Recon company, Logistical Battalions
In addition the Regiments will normally be attached an Air Defence Battalion to protect against air threats See: Air Defence Doctrine


RED FORCE have 3 standard maneuverregiments:

Armored Regiment (Main Battle Tank Regiment)

Unit Size
Regiment HQ Platoon
Artillery Battery Battery
MBT BN 1 Battalion
MBT BN 2 Battalion

Regimental Headquarter

Unit Size Type Vehicles
Regiment HQ Platoon Headquarter 1x Mobile Command Post, 2x UAZ 469, 2x KAMAZ 43101, 1x ZIL 131 KUNG

Artillery Battery

Unit Size Type Vehicles
Arty Battery 1 Battery 1 Artillery 3x Artillery tubes, 2x Utility vehicles

Main Battle Tank Battalion

Unit Size Type Vehicles
MBT Company 1 Company 1 Line company  
  Platoon 11 Line platoon 3 x MBT’s
  Platoon 12 Line platoon 3 x MBT’s
MBT Company 2 Company 2 Line company  
  Platoon 21 Line platoon 3 x MBT’s
  Platoon 22 Line platoon 3 x MBT’s
MBT Company 3 Company 3 Support Company  
  Platoon 31 Support platoon 3 x Utility vehicles
  Platoon 32 Support platoon 3 x Utility vehicles

Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Unit Size
Regiment HQ Platoon
Artillery Battery Battery
Mechanized Infantry BN 1 Battalion
Mechanized Infantry BN 2 Battalion

Regimental Headquarter

Unit Size Type Vehicles
Regiment HQ Platoon Headquarter 1x Mobile Command Post, 2x UAZ 469, 2x KAMAZ 43101, 1x ZIL 131 KUNG

Artillery Battery

Unit Size Type Vehicles
Arty Battery 1 Battery 1 Artillery 3x Artillery tubes, 2x Utility vehicles

Mechanized Infantry Battalion

Unit Size Type Vehicles
Mechanized Infantry Company 1 Company 1 Line company  
  Platoon 11 Line platoon 3 x IFV
  Platoon 12 Line platoon 3 x IFV
Mechanized Infantry Company 2 Company 2 Line company  
  Platoon 21 Line platoon 3 x IFV
  Platoon 22 Line platoon 3 x IFV
Mechanized Infantry Company 3 Company 3 Support Company  
  Platoon 31 Support platoon 3 x Utility vehicles
  Platoon 32 Support platoon 3 x Utility vehicles

Motorized Infantry Regiment

Unit Size
Regiment HQ Platoon
Artillery Battery Battery
Motorized Infantry BN 1 Battalion
Motorized Infantry BN 2 Battalion

Regimental Headquarter

Unit Size Type Vehicles
Regiment HQ Platoon Headquarter 1x Mobile Command Post, 2x UAZ 469, 2x KAMAZ 43101, 1x ZIL 131 KUNG

Artillery Battery

Unit Size Type Vehicles
Arty Battery 1 Battery 1 Artillery 3x Artillery tubes, 2x Utility vehicles

Motorized Infantry Battalion

Unit Size Type Vehicles
Motorized Infantry Company 1 Company 1 Line company  
  Platoon 11 Line platoon 3 x APC
  Platoon 12 Line platoon 3 x APC
Motorized Infantry Company 2 Company 2 Line company  
  Platoon 21 Line platoon 3 x APC
  Platoon 22 Line platoon 3 x APC
Motorized Infantry Company 3 Company 3 Support Company  
  Platoon 31 Support platoon 3 x Utility vehicles
  Platoon 32 Support platoon 3 x Utility vehicles


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