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Mission brief and resources

Range 15 Armed Reconnaissance Tasking_1, SCUD Hunt


Intelligence reports indicate that the enemy force have been moving SCUDs in position for attacks. The 323rd Missile Regiment have been observed moving EAST from their main base at LIWA. Intelligence assess as even chance that SCUD firing positions are located in KILLBOX JUPITER.
Enemy area are WEST of FLOT. Friendly territory EAST of FLOT. (Regardless if you are flying this a BLUE or RED).



####Intelligence 323rd Missile Regiment is broken down in the following way:

AR Mission

Your mission is to conduct a AR mission Killbox JUPITER.
Task 1: Confirm or deny prescence of 323rd Missile Regiment
Task 2: Destroy enemy SCUD’s if they are present
Task 3: Report other enemey activity in killbox

Target priority:

  1. SCUD
  2. Artillery
  3. Command and Control
  4. Main Battle Tanks

High Value Target list:

  1. Silkworm missile battery
  2. Command and Control headquarter (More than 10 C2 vehicles and tents close together)

Intelligence Questions



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