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Range 15 Armed Reconnaissance Tasking_2 Attack on Mahdah


Enemy - Mechanised Infantry Battalion has been spotted marching through the mountains on Liwa - Al Ain Route 7. While stationed in Liwa 24hrs ago ISR assets confirmed 20+ BMP 2/3 and up to company of MBTs attached. By the doctrinal pattern Battalion may be covered by organic combination of ZSU-23-4 Shilka and SA-13 Gopher. SA-19 Tunguska may be attached along with MBTs. Friendly - Motorised infantry battalion is withdrawing from Mahdah to reinforce Al Ain defences and join with national guard unit already in deployed to the city. Friendly force is not capable of facing mechanised battalion in the field.

Most likely course of action(MLCOA) - mechanised battalion will seize Mahdah (N 24 23.900 E 055 58.300) to facilitate conditions for two pronged attack - along Route 7 and from Mahdah direction.

Most dangerous course of action (MDCOA) - mechanised battalion will assault Al Ain directly along Route 7 posing threat of meeting engagement with marching friendly motorised infantry battalion.

Scenario Overview

AR Mission

Conduct Armed Reconnaissance between N 24 15.077 E 056 05.845 and N 24 22.984 E 055 59.816 in order to: a) detect and define mechanised battalion course of action, b) destroy at least 20% of MBTs and at least 20% of BMPs, c) deny freedom of maneuver.



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