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Mission brief and resources

Range 7 AR Scenario


Enemy 31st mechanized regiment started a few hours ago a movement toward FLOT in order to start an offensive to capture Al Ain Airfield. Mechanized regiment was last night reported of beeing forming up in assembly area (see picture below). It is assessed that the mechanized infantry regiment is staged along MSR Blue (see picture further down). In addition to the 31st mechanized infantry regiment, there have also been reported about unkown activity in area of interest “Valley SOUTH” (See picture further down).

Regimental headquarter and artillery units are likely protected by SA-13. Even chance 31st mechanized infantry regiment is equipped with MANPADSs for self defence.

Western military equipment is friendlies.
Eastern military equipment is enemy forces



AR Mission

AR mission is to conduct a AR mission Killbox POLARIS.
Task 1: Locate the Armored Regiment
Task 2: Attack targets IAW target priority Task 3: Destroy 50% of Infantry vehicles (IFVs)
Task 4: Identify activty and units in area if interest 1 “Valley SOUTH”

Target priority:

  1. Artillery
  2. Regimental headquarter
  3. Logistics
  4. IFVs

High Value Target list:

  1. SCUD
  2. Silkworm missile battery
  3. MLRS

Command & Control

Intelligence Questions

Basic Intelligence and organization 31st Mechanized Infantry Regiment




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