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Range 1


Range 1 is a range for anti-ship operations. Somewhere within range 1 is 5 ship enemy Surface Action Group (SAG). The SAG’s compoition is currently not known, but we know it contains a high value target, protected by escort ships and followed by supply vessels. See intelligence pictures below to be able to ID the various ships.


P1 N25 03.857 E050 31.120

P2 N25 00.712 E053 30.202

P3 N24 26.864 E053 26.266

P4 N24 04.238 E053 22.778

P5 N23 58.964 E050 34.329

Intelligence pictures

Target ship

Target ship

Escort ship

Escort ship

Supply ship

Supply vessel


Scenario need to be activated via F10 menu. ( “Activate ship targets in Range 1”)


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