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Mission brief and resources

Range 16


Range 16 is a multipurpose range. Intended for : CAS / FAC(A) / JTAC / AR

Primary purpose is basic CAS training for JTACs.

Basic Close Air Support Scenario

Enemy territory is to the WEST. Friendly territory to the EAST. In the target area , a friendly motorized infantry platoon have encountered a stronger enemy force. Friendly forces are pinned down in a village and surrounded by enemy forces to the NORTH, SOUTH and WEST. Intelligence indicate that enemy in the area is a motorized infantry company, supported by mortar and a platoon of MBTs. We have reportings of an enemy SA-9 5km WEST of friendly position IVO enemy mortar position.

Ground Force Commanders (GFC) intention for CAS: Support the friendly forces and provide CAS to neutralize high value targets

GFC priorities:

GFC have approved Type 1, Type 2 and Type 2 Airborne observer. Type 3. Is approved outside 1km of friendly forces. Dange Close: GFC initials: H.M. For danger close attacks only Type 1 is approved. For Type one, only forward firing munitions approved (guns+rockets)

Friendly forces are supported by a mortar position further to the EAST.

Western military equipment is friendlies Eastern military equipment is enemy forces

What you can see is what the scenario is. You will have friendly units on F10 map as you are able to communicate with friendly forces and know where they are. Enemy units are hidden from the F10 map and you need to scan the target area to locate enemy forces.





Ground Force Commander (GFC) briefing for scenario-2: SITUATION A friendly special operations (SOF) team callsign PREDATOR is located in a hostile village behind enemy lines. PREDATOR was conducting SIGINT gathering when it has been compromised. PREDATOR position is in a house at N24 47.640 / E056 08.485. PREDATOR has two HMMWV vehicles parked outside. They are currently working on tearing down their SIGINT gear and once ready they will use the two HMMWV to exfil the area towards the South.

An enemy force consisting at least one motorized company has entered the region. PREDATOR reports intercepting transmissions about enemy infantry teams with RPGs deploying to the South of their position along with roadblocks deployed around their position. They also indicate of a mechanized force of at least one company inbound from the North-West

JTAC position is on the ridge at N24 45.8 / E056 08.2

The FLOT is running East-West through the small village at N24 45.8 / E056 10.0

With no friendly forces that are combat-capable, it is up to the CAS assets to ensure the safety of PREDATOR by: 1) Target any enemy forces closing in on VENOMs location 2) Ensure the exfil route for VENOM is cleared of any threats




SITUATION: 1) INTL has indicated an increased presence of ISIS forces in the north of UAE. 2) ISIS has been using the highway to move troops and supplies from the coastal area to the west. 3) JFC has ordered the highway be cut off to disrupt ISIS movements in the area 4) A taskforce is setting up at the LD (Line of Departure) to advance into the town of MUNAY with the following goals:
4a) Eliminate ISIS presence in the town
4b) Cut off the highway and block any ISIS movements in the area

METHOD: 1) A ground offensive by a company-sized TF with the following phases:
1a) Seize OBJ-A and OBJ-B and assume positions to defend against possible ISIS reinforcements from the West as well a support the further advance of the rest of the TF further North.
1b) Advance through the town and seize OBJ-C and OBJ-D. Prevent any movements on the highway
1c) Eliminate ISIS forces in the town.

ENEMY: 1) ISIS forces in the AO are evaluated at up to 300 operatives equiped with RPGs, small arms, technical vehicles as well as stolen military equipment (MBTs IFVs, artillery and short range air defenses) 2) Enemy is expected to fight hard trying to maintain hold of the town. Expect gurrillah tactics and use of civilian population as human shields

ALLIED FORCES: 1) OP-1: JTAC position N24 56.350 / E056 10.000 / 40R DN1585-5874 / ELEV 1270ft

2) Friendly force South of LD (24 53.800 / E056 09.800 / 40R DN1548-5378 / ELEV 750ft consists of:
2a) Artillery (x4 120mm mortars)
2b) (x2) RECON teams on HMMWVs
2c) (x2) assault groups consisting of (1x) ABRAMS + (1x) BRADLEY each
2d) (x2) mechanized platoons consissting of (1x) ABRAMS + (2x) BRADLEY each
2e) SWITCH vehicle
2f) TRIGGER (Watchtower)

(See screenshot of the friendly camp below)

RESTRICTIONS: 1) HIGHWAY and POWERLINES are civilian critical infrastructures. Avoid any cratering or other effects. 2) Civilian population is still reported present in the AO:
2a) Cluster munitions are prohibited
2b) Restrict use oh HE / fragmantation warheads inside populated areas
3) Avoid cratering of main roads in the AO to facilitate a rapid advance of ground assets to their objectives

1) Assault groups (See 2c above) can be autonomously drive to seize OBJ-A and OBJ-B by driving the SWITCH vehicle accross the road towards the nearby watchtower (TRIGGER). All other BLUE vehicles are manutally controllable.
2) All BLUE units are under WEAPONS HOLD and will not fire at RED targets. They can be set to WEAPONS FREE by the JTAC/GFC
3) All RED units are set to engage BLUE ground units only (Keeping air assets safe to facilitate training)

ATRM R16 CAS_PRESET-4 ATRM R16 CAS_PRESET-4 User manual v2


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