Text placeholder for the introduction.
Explain what it is in here, what purpose it servers, how it is collected.
This is all the information needed to be aware, plan and conduct any navigation in the TRM
Map with NAVpoint Chart
Image of CF map with navpoints
NAVpoint Info
Link to table Navpoints All navigation points and information about airspace, ranges, threat sites, JTAC locations, FARPs, Range storages please refer to TRM Google Earth link for current version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/13eqx28ic9d6ccm/TRM_Google_earth.kmz?dl=0
GND Charts
Image of Kutaisi GND Chart
Link to pdf Kutaisi GND Chart
DCS Caucasus GND Charts
Caucasus FLIP
Image of Kutaisi FLIP
Link to pdf Kutaisi FLIP
DCS Caucasus FLIP
TRM Special Instructions (SPINS)
General situation: In the period of 2008-2009 tension in the world politics increased. Because of this Georgia turned to the west to increase political, diplomatic and military support in a situation where Russia had increased its military capability and had conducted several military exercises on the borders to Georgia. In 2009 Turkey and Georgia signed a deal where they established a combined joint training range called Adjara Combined Joint Training Range (ACJTR). In 2010 the tension increased again, and Georgia invited their allies into Georgia to have, on a regular basis, an enhanced forward presence in order to deter any further Russian aggression. As part of the enhanced forward presence, the 132nd Virtual Wing have deployed to Kutaisi airbase. From time to time additional allied squadrons also deploy to Kutaisi airbase in order to use the facilities at ACJTR and the surrounding ranges.
Adjara Combined Joint Training Range consists of the following airspace (Please see google earth for more details):
- Range orders ACJTR Range Complex (DRAFT 2_3): https://www.dropbox.com/s/9w0nbbqb5b01ghj/TRM_Range%20order%20ADJARA%20Combined%20Joint%20Training%20Range_DRAFT_2_3.pdf?dl=0
Range 10 (DRAFT 2_4): https://www.dropbox.com/s/8vvg2qhfu8vqo49/TRM_Range%20order%20Range%2010_DRAFT2_4.pdf?dl=0
Range 12 (RW operations): https://www.dropbox.com/s/e42x3nbphqp7tu9/TRM_Range%20order%20%20Range%2012%20version%201.0.pdf?dl=0
- Administrative information How to activate ranges functions Please see this forumthread for how to activate various functions at the training mission: http://132virtualwing.org/index.php/page/forum_thread?id=25906
Mods Everyone attending this mission need to use OvGME in order to install the necessary Mods. Please refer to the 132nd Skin and Mod Install QuickstartGuide: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jtftoqwto3tkbbp/DCS%202.5%20Mod%20Install_QuickCard.pdf?raw=1
CTLD Logistics Script The following types of units are CTLD units: Any client Mi-8
CTLD units have the following options available via F10 radio:
- Loadup Troops at Pickup Zones and unload them anywhere outside any pickup zones (Pickup zones locations see below)
- Extract any deployed troops and/or JTACs
- Spawn Cargo Crates for slingload at a Warehouse and assemble crates anywhere outside a Warehouse
- Deploy Smoke Markers
- Deploy Radio Beacons (A10, KA50, Huey and Mi-8 can home in on the beacons, all players can use F10 to get a list of active beacions)
Pickupzones (for loading infantry):
- In the range storages
- At the apron of Kutaisi
- At the FARPs
Warehouses (for spawning slingload cargo)
- Range storages
- All allied airfields
- All allied FARPs
Note for CTLD pilots Once you get in pit, make sure CTLD loaded up correctly for you. Do this simple test: F10 radio options see if CTLD shows up. If no, alternate between pressing F11 (previous) and F10 (other..) CTLD should show up after a few tries.
NOTE: WIP and will be included: Tankers and AWACS Respawn All Tankers will RTB when low on fuel or damaged/killed. New tankers will get airborne to ensure constant tanker coverage. Same for AWACS aircraft. See Mission Brief and SPINS for tanker frequencies and TACAN.
Frequencies AWACS Check-in 237.000 (BLUE 3) A-G controller 1 229.000 (GREEN 4) A-G Controller 2 227.500 (YELLOW 1) A-A Controller 1 228.000 (ORANGE 10) A-A Controller 2 248.000 (GRAY 2) Air Request Net 21.00 (OLIVE 11) CSAR Freq 228.500 (BROWN 10) In flight Report net 234.000 (OCHRE 9) Alert Frequncy 246.750 (OLIVE 2) Admin frequency 247.250 (LIME 1) VHF Back-up 136.250 (INDIGO 6) SCRAMBLE 228.250 (VIOLET 10)
AI AWACS (Overlord, NORTH area ): 307 AI AWACS (Magic, SOUTH area): 306
AGGRESSOR AWACS AI: 299.0 (Callsign 103) Human AWACS:
Range Control of Adjara Combined Joint Training Range Frequency: 245.000 (RED 5) Callsign: WIZARD Rangeshave frequencies posted in range orders.
FARP’s LONDON/PERTH FARP PERTH Co-located with FARP LONDON at the NORTHEAST corner of Range 2B. PERTH is used to spawn in 2x KA-50 and 2x MI-8. PERTH can be used as an alternative starting point for RW asset, to utilize training assets further into the range complex. LONDON is used as a normal FARP for RW assets flying out of Kutaisi Frequencies FARP LONDON: 127.8 FARP PERTH: 128.8
DALLAS FARP Dallas is located close to Central City at Range 3B. FARP DALLAS: 126.8
IFF Codes IFF codes to be used by all aircraft (either in pit, or by UniversRadio External transponder) https://www.dropbox.com/s/o0jseakjagu6y1x/2019-04-19%20Transponder_codes.pdf?dl=0
Authentication AET-100 + RAMROD https://www.dropbox.com/s/b6mbo7fw2wvnkfi/AET-100_RAMROD_v1.1.pdf?dl=0
TAT-101 https://www.dropbox.com/s/6aplu5oktunvclm/TAT-101_V1.2.pdf?dl=0
Ramrod is used as backup.
Tanker information KC-135 TEXACO: 11500ft, speed 270kts,TACAN 41Y.Freq: 151.0
KC-135 SHELL:\ 12000ft, speed 270kts, TACAN 42Y, Freq: 149.0
KC-135_MPRS (Shell): 24000ft, speed 380kts, TACAN 38Y, Freq: 230.750
KC-130 (ARCO): 18000ft, speed 336kts, TACAN 39Y, Freq: 235.500
AGGRESSOR IL-78 (C/S 401) 18000ft, speed 336, TACAN 37Y, Freq: 244.25
S-3 VIKING Carrier alert Tanker (TEXACO 2) 8000ft, speed 380kts, TACAN 40Y, Freq: 242.0 (CHERRY 3)
CARRIERS CARRIER CVN STENNIS TACAN 74X “C_S” ICLS Channel 1 Frequency: 247.750 AM (AQUA 6) Marshal Frequency: 305.000 LSO Frequency: 264.000
CARRIER CVN68 NIMITZ TACAN 68X “C_N” ICLS Channel 2 Frequency: 247.500 AM (LIME 11) Marshal Frequency: 308.000 LSO Frequency: 238.000
LHA-1 Tarawa LHA-1 TACAN 75X. LHA frequncy: 241.250 (LEMON 6) Callsign: TARAWA CONTROL
SADL/TACAN PANTHER - 50 - 113Y FALCON - 51 - 114Y HAWK - 52 - 115Y JEDI - 53 - 116Y RAVEN - 54 - 117Y SNAKE - 55 - 118Y VENOM - 56 - 119Y RHINO: TACAN 57/120Y
SPARE1 - 59 - 122Y SPARE2 - 60 - 123Y SPARE3 - 61 - 124Y SPARE4 - 62 - 125Y SPARE5 - 63 - 126Y SPARE6 - 49 - 112Y SPARE7 - 48 - 111Y
AXE: TACAN: 25/88, Lasercode: 1511/1512/1513/1514 , GroupID 31 BEAST: TACAN: 26/89, Lasercode: 1521/1522/1523/1524 , GroupID 32 CLAW: TACAN: 27/90, Lasercode:1531/1532/1533/1534 , GroupID 33 MISTY: TACAN: 28/91, Lasercode: 1541/1542/1543/1544 , GroupID 34 KNIFE: TACAN: 29/92, Lasercode: 1551/1552/1553/1554 , GroupID 35 STEEL: TACAN: 30/93, Lasercode: 1321/1322/1323/1324 , GroupID 36 TBD: TACAN: 31/94, Lasercode:1331/1332/1333/1334 , GroupID 37
SPARE: Lasercode: 1311/1312/1313/1314 , GroupID 38 SPARE: Lasercode: 1341/1342/1343/1344 , GroupID 39 SPARE: , Lasercode: 1561/1562/1563/1563 , GroupID 40 SPARE: Lasercode:1611/1612/1613/1614 SPARE: Lasercode:1621/1622/1623/1624 SPARE: Lasercode: 1571/1572/1573/1574 , GroupID 41
RAMROD Ramrod is an authentication code. RAMROD is a 10 letter word where none of the letters appear twice. To authenticate the challenger selects two letters in the authentication code, one of each side of the desired response. The correct response is the letter bracketed by the challenge. For example using the word COMPLEXIFY, you challenge by saying: Authenticate “PAPA-ECHO” and the reply should be: “I authenticate LIMA” Standing RAMROD: -Even days (2,4,6,8 etc): LUMBERJACK -Odd days (1,3,5,7 etc): COMPLEXITY
Thanks for the great contributions from the DCS community, and to highlight a few of the most important ones for the 132nd:
- MIST(Speed&Grimes)
- FlightControl for MOOSE:https://flightcontrol-master.github.io/MOOSE_DOCS/
- funkyfranky for the Range Script
- 476th Noodle and Stuka for the 476th range targets: http://www.476vfightergroup.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=287
- 476th Snoopy and Noodle for the 476 vFG Georgia Flight Info Pubs.: http://www.476vfightergroup.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=218
- DArt for LotATC: https://www.lotatc.com/
- Tacno for UniversRadio: http://tacnoworld.fr/universradio/
- Upaut for various Mods: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=124251
- Ranger79 for various mods: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=121620
- Grimes for his support to the DCS community, and specificly his work on the F/A-18C Hornet Desert aggressor skin (VFC-13 livery), which the 494th have been allowed to modify for our use.`
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