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Training Mission Arctic briefing page

Range 15

Basic Close Air Support Scenario

Enemy territory is to the EAST. Friendly territory to the WEST In the target area friendly forces have been cut-off from other friendlies and are beeing pushed NORTH. A friendly motorized infantry platoon have encountered a stronger enemy force supported by artillery and air defence. Friendly forces currently pinned down NORTHWEST of a village. North of the motorized infantry platoon there is friendly mortar in support. JTAC is on a hill overlookin the area and supporting friendly forces. Intelligence indicate that enemy in the area is a motorized infantry company, supported by mortar, artillery and a platoon of MBTs. We have reportings of an enemy SA-13 3nm NORTH-EAST of friendly location..

Ground Force Commanders (GFC) intention for CAS: Support the friendly forces and provide CAS to neutralize high value targets

GFC priorities:

GFC have approved Type 1, Type 2 and Type 2 Airborne observer. Type 3. Is approved outside 1km of friendly forces. Dange Close: GFC initials: H.M. For danger close attacks only Type 1 is approved. For Type one, only forward firing munitions approved (guns+rockets)

Western military equipment is friendlies Eastern military equipment is enemy forces

What you can see is what the scenario is. You will have friendly units on F10 map as you are able to communicate with friendly forces and know where they are. Enemy units are hidden from the F10 map and you need to scan the target area to locate enemy forces.


Locations Locations Locations



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