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Mission brief and resources

FW Fast jet Mission Qualification Checkout


General situaton

BLUE and RED have been at war for a week after REDs initial attack against BLUE. The situation have stabilized and BLUE is preparing for a counteroffensive. Prior to this BLUE will conduct several strikes to set conditions for BLUE’s offensive.
Last night RED have recived reinforcements and are preparing to continue their ground offensive.


Weather forecast

OVERCAST at 25000ft, calm winds

Friendly situation

Friendly battalions are lined up in defensive positions along the FLOT. These units consist of primary motorized infantry, with some armor and mechanized infantry in reserve.

Enemy situation - Air

RED FORCE have 3 FW squadrons doing both A-A and A-G missions. In addition, RED FORCE have AWACS (E-2) and a couple of tankers (KC-135, KC-135 MPRS and S-3 Viking)

Squadron 1 and 2 rotates between shore-based and on a Carrier somewhere in the ocean.

RED FORCE are using the following airbases:

RED FORCE normal way of operating is having one flight on QRA alert on one of the airbases or the carrier. Earlier missions indicate that the QRA flight is on a 15 minute alert.
So, once a BLUE aircraft passes the FLOT, one can expect the QRA to be scrambled to try to intercept. At the same time, additional aircrafts may be scrambled based on the availability.

SAM threats

RED FORCE have several SAMs protecting their territory. The static sites are shown in the picture below: Threats

In addition to the static sites as shown on the picture, RED FORCE air defences operate IAW the following doctrine: Red Force Air Defence Doctrine (SAMs)


Mission is to conduct a strike against 1x Bed Down Location (BDL) and 1x Meething location where intelligence indicate that an general from RED FORCE is staying the next 8 hours.
It is important that both targets get hit, as we do not know in which building the general is occupying.
The targets are labeled in CombatFlite as T12.6 (Meeting location) and T12.7 (BDL)
For pictures and visualization of target area, have a look here: Target information T12.2 - T12.7

CombatFlite file

CombatFlite file for planning

Supporting assets

Questions for MQT pilot

With the information provided in this brief, and during the TRP, please be prepared to answer the following questions during the mission brief:

Admin details

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