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Range 14 Close Air Support Tasking

In the area of T14.1 there is a friendly FOB. Option 1: Directly WEST of the FOB is a rangetower which a JTAC can occupy to simulate beeing in the FOB protecting the FOB against incoming enemies. Option 2: Further WEST, in the hillside is a JTAC location, simulating a friendly OP overlooking the FOB looking at the avenues of approach into the FOB. Option 3: FAC(A) protecting the FOB.

Close Air Support Scenario

A friendly FOB (T14.1) is located at the outskirts of FLOT. The enemy have conducted a breach of the FLOT, and are arriving. Currently we are not aware of what kind of enemy forces are approaching. Main direction of enemy assault is from the EAST, but enemys can also approach from the NORTH or SOUTH. Also a known enemy tactic is to use civilian vehicles for VBIED (Vehicle Bourne Improvised Explosive Device = Suicide bomber). When using this tactic, the vehicles will highly likely be travelling in very high speed to avoid beeing hit by friendlies

CAS Mission: Protect friendly FOB from enemy forces approaching.

Friendly forces are alerted and enroute to support. Friendlies are to the WEST, and will need to use axis to the NORTH or SOUTH to arrive at the FOB.

Western military equipment is friendlies Eastern military equipment is enemy forces


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