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Mission brief and resources

Range 14


Range 14 is a multipurpose range.

Intended for : CAS / FAC(A) / JTAC / AR / SCAR


P1 N24 19.769 E055 50.041

P2 N24 44.939 E055 50.255

P3 N24 44.344 E056 23.566

P4 N24 24.360 E056 25.805

CAS Dynamic scenario

CAS, pre-set static scenarios

The random pre-set CAS scenarios are aimed to provide the JTAC with practicing a rapid preparation of his situation updates based on details provided by a simulated Ground Force Commander.


NOTES: 1) due to the location of the JTAC units for those scenarios, terrain masking can be expected. It is therefore advised to choose and coordinate CPs that are either SE or NW of the range center so as to minimize terrain-masking impact on the initial comms with the arriving CAS flights.

2) The preset CAS scenarios incorporate enemy SAM units. Those units will be using their radars but would not actually engage aircraft (This is a training scenario after all…). For this reason, please advise other participants in the event of the probable presence of SAM radars in R14 just so that it won’t interfere with training activities of other flights in adjacent ranges.

CAS, basic pre-set scenario

The basic preset scenario sets some static units at the range and is suitable for basic CAS trainings. As opposed to the “1” and “2” preset scenarios, the units included in the basic scenario are all visible and controllable from the F10 map so that the JTAC can make adjustments to the range setup.

CAS pre-set scenario #1

SITUATION: 1) The enemy has launched an attack against our villages and outposts near the international border.
2) A friendly border outpost has been evacuated and the few combat vehicles we have there are deployed on defensive positions on a hill EAST of the outpost trying to stop enemy advancing forces.
3) As the friendly units were repositioning they took some artillery fire. The POO (Point Of Origin) is estimated to be approximately NW 3nm from the outpost.
4) Enemy strength estimated at an armored company reinforced with some mechanized and motorized elements.
5) A friendly UAV dispatched after the attack began was apparently shot down. A smoke trail was visible coming from the NORTH but no ID on the type.
6) Fire support: a PALADIN 155mm battery is under JTAC / GFC control.
7) GFC intent for CAS is to suppress the enemy offensive and defend the outpost until friendly reinforcements can arrive (will be coming from the SOUTH along the road).
8) Mission target priorities are:
8a) Armored and mechanized units : Prioritize unit commanders / leading vehicles. Destroy remaining combat vehicles only if you have sufficient ordnance and time
8b) Enemy artillery, including recon/ forward observers.
8c) Enemy C2


CAS pre-set scenario #2

SITUATION: 1) Our front company is launching an offensive against enemy frontline units to the NORTH.
2) Friendly task force consist of two platoons of M1 ABRAMs and M2 BRADLEYs
3) Offensive plan is to advance North, eliminate enemy opposition in the area and secure vantage points (OBJ-A and OBJ-B) to provide cover for the advance of the rest of the our brigade to the North.
4) Known enemy opposition consists of a mechanized company reinforced with an armored platoon and supported by short range air defenses.
5) Fire support: a battery of PALADIN 155mm is deployed at N24 34.1 / E056 03.8 and is under direct control of the JTAC/ GFC.
6) GFC intents for CAS:
6a) Degrade the enemy force by at least 50%. Priority targets are MBTs, RECON, IFVs and C2s.
6b) The ground maneuver is to commence our offensive after the CAS effort began its attack on enemy units in the area.
7) JTAC O.P is located at N24 37.9 / E055 57.4 elev 2340ft.
8) RESTRICTIONS: T3 is only approved until friendly units begin their advance. Once they start moving only T1 and T2 are approved.


CAS pre-set scenario #3

SITUATION: 1) A critical MSR running SW to NE is being used for resupplying our forces in the East coast.
2) The road has been blocked by an enemy attack. Enemy evaluated as a commando force, strength 1+ company.
3) The enemy commandos have seized a group of small villages around N24 39.0 / E056 07.0. The enemy has also seized adjacent vantage points and was able to close the road.
4) A friendly resupply convoy traveling on that road came under attack and was destroyed. The convoy consisted of supply trucks and APCs.
5) Allied command had intermittient contact with some survivors from the convoy who’re still hiding close to the location of the ambush and are in critical condition.
6) A friendly QRF (Quick Reaction Force) is set to counterattack into the area from the WEST, QRFs mission is to secure OBJ-A and OBJ-B and secure the survivors of the convoy.
7) The QRF is staging at N24 36.9 / E056 04.0 and consists of an armored section , a mechanized platoon and a medical team on APCs- all Western type vehicles.
8) The QRF is under control of the GFC / JTAC (Not moving automatically).
9) JTAC O.P is located at is N24 37.4 / E056 06.2 .
10) GFC intent for CAS:
10a) Get a positive position of the convoy’s ambush location and locate the survivors.
10b) Evaluate enemy disposition.
10c) Destroy all threats to QRF. Prioritize IFVs, ATGM / RPG teams and artillery assets.


CAS pre-set scenario #4

SITUATION: COIN scenario with multiple friendlies and enemy units in close proximity. AO is centered around small villages around N24 33.0 / E056 06.0 Details TBD

CAS pre-set scenario #5

SITUATION: 1) Insurgents have launched an offensive against allied forces to the EAST.
2) The attack started with a suicide bomber driving a civilian vehicle loaded with explosives (VBIED) into the garrison outpost. This was soon followed by a massive offensive along the MSR from the NE.
3) The friendly platoon stationed in the area retreated to the Western villages in an attempt to stabilize the FLOT.
4) A small group of personnel from the outpost was able to escape but remained stranded in a civilian house at N24 39.4 / E056 06.9 with ISIS units already at close proximity.
5) The insurgents are making use - in addition to suicide bombers - with technicals, artillery (rockets and mortars) and a mix of IFVs and MBTs stolen from the army.
6) Air defenses are likely to include AAA and STRELAs.
7) Additional enemy forces are reported to be on underway from the NORTH-EAST to support the offensive.
8) A friendly TF consisting of M1 ABRAMS and BRADLEYs is gearing up to the West at N24 36.8 / E056 03.5 and is ready to advance into the area, reinforce the friendlies on site and secure the area.
9) A PALADIN artillery battery is already deployed at N24 32.8 / E056 05.8 and is able to provide fire support.

OBJECTIVES (When GFC role is UNMANNED): 1) Hold off the enemy offensive.
2) Eliminate enemy presence in the villages and block enemy reinforcements.

OBJECTIVES (When GFC role is manned): 1) Hold off the enemy offensive.
2) Secure stranded friendlies.
3) Advance friendly TF to vantage points East of the villages to provide defense against further enemy attacks.

Live fire is being used in this scenario by enemy in the form of sporadic machineguns and artillery. While the fires do not TARGET blue air-assets, exercise caution when flying close / low above the AO.

2) Available positions for JTACs:
2a) Any one of the friendly vehicles at the site (STRYKERs or HMMWVs)
2b) The stranded group (portraied by MANPADs)
2c) JTAC position (MANPADs) in overwatch at N24 38.6 E056 06.9


AR Scenario

Customized scenario

In addition to the scenarios listed above, there are units availeble for spawning to setup a customized scenario. This can be used for both AR and CAS as required. This require all units to be manually placed.



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