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Mission brief and resources

Range 6 Escort Tasking


Range 6 is a contested area. A friendly FOB (T6.2 Weapon storage) is running out of supplies, and a resupply convoy are beeing prepared to aid with additional supplies.
Friendly convoy is located at Main Supply Base(MSB) (Navpoint R6.MSB) (N23 59.945 E055 34.358).
Friendly convoy consist of 3x HUMWVEE and 4x M818 Transport trucks
Due to uncertainty of enemy prescence, a escort mission is planned, and the convoy will not move outside MSB without escort.
Convoy will stop in FOB XRAY to unload supplies to allied forces. Planned stop 3-5 minutes. FOB XRAY Coordinates: N23 53.100 E055 24.100, elevation 535ft (see picture further down)
Extra care to be taken while convoy is static as they are exposed in urban area.


Intelligence reports indicate that parts of a enemy Motorized BN have arrived into the area
In addition, intelligence reports have recently indicated that the enemy is planning to use VBIED’s to strike friendly convoys moving outside the MSB.

Red Force Doctrine


ESCORT Mission

Your mission is to escort friendly convoy from startlocation: to endlocation: T6.2 Weapon storage.
Once convoy have arrived at the weapon storage, mission is over and you can RTB.


Target priority:

  1. VBIED (Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device)
  2. Roadblocks
  3. Enemy IFV/APCs

High Value Target list:

  1. Silkworm missile battery
  2. MLRS




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