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Mission brief and resources

Range 9 EX Green Storm Armed Reconnisance Tasking


Yesterday RED FORCE were able to break through BLUE lines, and are now conducting a big push into the desert with their 12th Motorized Regiment.
The 12th Motorized Regiment was last located conducting resupply operations in vicinity of N23 37.500 E055 56.000.
Currently the intention of 12th Motorized regiment is still unknown. It is assessed that the 12th Motorized Regiment will try to cut off supply lines to Al Ain, where the main BLUE defensive line is located.
One course of action is that the Regiment’s objective is Bu Kirayyah. A second course of action is that the regiment is headed for the NORTH-SOUTH running road in the western part of Killbox MARCH and from there push NORTH into Bu Kirayyah and then further NORTH to Al Ain. A third course of action is that the Regiment will move WEST of Bu Kirayyah and cut off the supply lines to Al Ain from WEST and SOUTH. The fourth course of action is that the Regiment will push NORTH from its last reported position in order to close in on Al Ain from the SOUTH.



SAMs IAW Red Force Air Defence Doctrine (SAMs)

AR Mission

Your mission is to conduct a AR mission Killbox MARCH.
Task 1: Locate the regiment and identify where they are heading to provide intelligence for further understanding RED FORCE plans.
Task 2: Destroy 100% of Artillery Battery
Task 3: Destroy 50% of APC’s

Target priority:

  1. Artillery
  2. Command and Control
  3. APC
  4. Logistical units

High Value Target list:

  1. Silkworm missile battery
  2. MLRS


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