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Mission brief and resources

Range 6


Range 6 is a multipurpose range.

Intended for : CAS / FAC(A) / JTAC / AR

In the area of T6.2 and T6.3 is a area with urban and rural buildings and road networks. Creating possibility for a various of scenarios. Mobile targets are availeble close to the range storage. Eastern military equipment are simulating targets, while western military equipment simulates friendlies.

Range 6 Escort task

Escort tasking

Range 6 AR SCUD Hunt


P1 N24 10.507 E055 01.018

P2 N24 13.510 E055 32.023

P3 N23 50.818 E055 43.124

P4 N23 50.507 E054 49.698


To be developed

T6.2 Ammuniton site

Ammunition site

T6.3 Fuel site

Fuel site

Range 6 FOB

FOB XRAY Coordinates: N23 53.100 E055 24.100, elevation 535ft FARP X-RAY


All scenarios activated via F10 menu:


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