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Range 15


Range 15 is a multipurpose range. Intended for : CAS / FAC(A) / JTAC / AR


P1 N24 29.481 E055 50.118

P2 N24 30.356 E056 25.159

P3 N24 13.334 E056 38.967

P4 N24 03.170 E055 54.797

P5 N24 13.932 E055 53.596

P6 N24 19.610 E055 49.958

AR scenarios


CAS scenarios

R15 CAS preset scenario #1



Degrade enemy combat capabilities in the area by targeting:

1) Armored and mechanized elements (Prioritize platton-commander vehicles if ordnance and/or playtime is limited) 2) C2 positions

Friendly forces: TF consisting of M1 ABRAMs and M2 BRADLEYs ARTILLERY support consist of a battery of 155mm PALADINs.


All BLUE units are under direct control of JTAC


R15 CAS preset scenario #2


GROUND FORCE COMMANDER INTENT for CAS: 1) Amplify picture of enemy deployments in the area 2) Secure a route for PREDATOR to use for its exfil towards the WEST until it rendezvous with allied forces to the WEST (M1 ABRAMS are waiting on our side of the frontline)

ADMIN: 1) PREDATOR is under direct control of JTAC (Will not move on its own) 2) Friendly M1 section as well as 155mm PALADIN battery to the WEST may be integrated to the scenario (Rescue mission etc…) 3) JTAC position is at N24 22.190 /E055 57.800 / 3040ft. Training JTAC may either use the MANPADs or otherwise seize control of PREDATOR’s HMMWVs and practice convoy-escort procedures 4) About 1km to the WEST of the JTAC position are another pair of HMMWVs that may be used to simulate JTAC’s exfil while handing over control to a FAC(A) to cover its retreat.

Range-15 CAS preset scenario #3


1) In recent weeks ISIS has seized a group of villages close to our Eastern border, North East of the city of AL-AIN.
2) ISIS has established a sizeable presence in the area and is using the villages as a base of operations for staging terror and artillery attacks against civilian and military installations IVO AL-AIN.
3) JFC has authorized an armed operation with the following objectives:
3a) Isolate the AO, prevent the insurgents from receiving any reinforcements from the North, and prevent any ISIS operatives from escaping the area.
3b) Inflict a heavy blow onto ISIS presence in the area, thereby degrading their capacity of launching further attacks into our territory as well as achieving a demoralizing effect.


1) ISIS forces in the area consist of RPG and infantry squads as well as various combat vehicle sform techincal (TOYOTAs with heavy machineguns)
2) ISIS also taken hold of small quantities of standard military equipment stolen from Syrian army units such as T-55s, IFVs and artillery assets (mortars and GRADs) and short range SAMs.
3) Guerilla warfare tactics are expected to be encountered in the form of roadblocks and ambush teams that would try to harass and attrit allied forces entering the AO.
4) INTL expecting enemy to make use of densely populated areas to hide its high value assets to defend them from airstrikes (Making use of colatteral damange to gain support by local communities.


1) Three (x3) assault teams of M1s and M2s sections to secure the perimeter of the AO.
2) Two (x2) sections of STRYKER IFVs to advance into the AO , search and destroy enemy HVTs where high CDE is an issue.


1) Artillery: a battery of PALADIN 155mm at: N24 22.200 / E055 53.430 / 40R CM 8748-9556 / 1185ft
2) CAS as per ATO. JTAC OP is at: N24 24.200 / E055 55.980 / 40R CM 9179-9931 / 1890ft


1) Offensive sections to advance and seize objective OBJ-A, then OBJ-B and OBJ-C to isolate the AO and provide cover for the STRYKERs.
2) STRYKER teams then advance into the densly populated areas , search and destroy any ISIS assets.


1) Damage to non combatants as well as infrastructures MUST BE MINIMIZED. Allied forces are to exercise extreme caution during weaponeering and attack-profile selection such that civilian are not harmed.


1) The single STRYKER named SWITCH can be moved into the small village accross the road to its NORTH. This would cause the M1+M2 sections to start their advance automatically. Alternatively, JTAC/GFC may drive those sections manually.
2) Artillery is under JTAC/GFC direct control.
3) STRYKER teams are fully manual. Setting the path and maneuvering them is under GFC/JTAC control and coordination.
4) All RED units are set to engage BLUE GROUND units only so as to minimize risk of air assets taking part in the training.
5) All BLUE units are set to HOLD FIRE and thus will not fire unless set otherwise by player.



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